Formation and ideation
Upon starting this module, we were given 10 days to find a team. No pressure! :)
A few weeks before this module started, Kieran, one of the students from my cohort, started a channel within our own Discord channel for us to all share our skills and interests, and start forming small groups. I found this really helpful in encouraging me to start thinking about:
The skills I could offer to a group
What kind of skills might complement my own
What I might want to create
The skills I would like to develop
This was the message I posted:
Putting myself forward
What if no one wants to be in a group with me? What if other people on my course have spotted that I am a fraud here? Will I be useful to a team if my skills lean more towards organising and writing content?
I would love to develop my Adobe Creative Suite skills but I don’t want my inexperience in this area to hold my group back or lower the quality of what we produce. There was much nervousness!
New or existing?
The MA in UX Design at Falmouth University has three intakes per year. The modules are designed so that the order you complete them depends on the month you start the course. So while this is the second module for me, for others this is their third or fourth.
Teaming up with people from other cohorts and working with people who have already completed the UX Design or UX Research modules would be a really good learning experience for me and, given the more diverse levels of experience in the team, could result in a better interactive prototype being produced. It could also be a good way to meet new people and potentially make new friends and contacts. On the flip side of that, I would be starting new working relationships from scratch and it might take longer to build the trust needed to work well together (Lencioni 2002).
With that in mind, I’ve decided to join a team with people from my cohort who I’ve already started getting to know and building trust with. Because one of my goals during this Masters is to learn about different industries and explore career paths, I wanted to work with people on my course and the Indie Game Development (IGD) course too. So I’ve teamed up with:
Joe Casey, IGD
James Cotterill, IGD
I’m really looking forward to working with such a talented group of people.
Team Kero-Scene!
Having formed our team, we needed a name and identity. We used a miro board to brainstorm intial ideas. The frog theme came from the avatar we were given for our group channel on the module Discord chat. From these initial ideas, Nathan created a Google Form to help us vote and decide on our favourite. And team Kero-Scene! was born. Yay!
BURN, Claire [Claire Burn #3698]. 2022. #looking-for-group post. [Discord post]: [Accessed 8 July 2022].
LENCIONI, Patrick M. 2002. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass